
Feldschlößchen Stammhaus Dresden

This year the Get-Together will also take place at the Feldschlößchen Stammhaus Dresden.

Date: 11.06.2024

Time: 17:00 h to 18:00 h

Conference Dinner

Steam boat tour “Dampfschifffahrt Dresden”

Sightseeing & steamers boat tour Dresden

A bus transfer with a sightseeing tour through Dresden takes you to the landing stage of the steamer. You will take part in the steamboat trip and glide along the picturesque Elbe River. The dinner will be served during the trip. It’s an enchanting journey through time, with architectural marvels and the charm of Dresden’s skyline.

Date: 12.06.2024

Time: 18:00 h to 22:00 h


Important Dates

Start of abstract submission

End of abstract submission

Notification of authors about acceptance of their papers

Start of Early Bird registration

  • End of Early Bird registration
  • Deadline for submission of full papers and registration including payment (conditional for publication of paper)

Final conference programme available

VAL5 Conference in Dresden, Germany

Conference Agency

Zellescher Weg 3
01069 Dresden, Germany
Sylvia Neumann


German Association for Materials Research and Testing e.V.
Schloßstraße 48 Gutshaus
12165 Berlin

Technical Support

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